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Image by Aldebaran S


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Kaya Renwick

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Kaya Renwick loves stories. 


She first pursued storytelling in the opera industry, earning a Bachelor's and Master's of Music in Vocal Performance and appearing on stage in a number of productions in her hometown of Winnipeg, Manitoba.  She was building her career just east of the Rockies in Alberta when the pandemic struck, leading to a career shift which was already in progress, and which had in fact been burgeoning in the background for years already.


Kaya's experience of stories has always been twofold: the word, and the voice.  Growing up, she always had her nose in a book, and if she didn't, she was asking her parents – especially her father – for bedtime stories "with all the voices".  She recorded her first audiobooks as Christmas presents and roadtrip amusements in her teens, reading such classics as Coraline, The Phantom Tollbooth, and a number of the Halo novels into her terrible old USB mic.  Kaya now does audiobook narration on contract, having worked with authors both independently and through ACX.


Kaya dreams of acting in a long-form audio drama.  Until that happens, she is a proud member of SkillsHub, where she uses her operatic training to coach working voice actors in vocal health and technique.  


When she's not helping actors unlock their vocal potential, Kaya writes… and writes… and writes.  She loves to explore humanity's relationship with the universe through science fiction and fantasy, with special loves of the paranormal, the magical, and the utterly unknown.  


Kaya lives in Atlantic Canada with her spouse, their dog and cat, and an assortment of exchange students and houseguests.

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